

Terms of Service

1. Scope of Application

These terms of service refer to the use of the online learning platform ILIAS of the Federal Academy for Civil Protection and Civil Defense (BABZ) of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK).

2. The ILIAS Online Learning Platform

(1) This installation of the learning management system ILIAS is an offer of the Federal Academy for Civil Protection and Civil Defense of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance.

(2) The BABZ offers information, learning objects and web-based trainings on the learning platform either publicly accessible or - provided with corresponding access mechanisms - for special groups of people who are primarily registered as seminar participants at the BABZ. Access and use of the materials are subject to the terms of service described below. Access and use are granted only if you accept these terms of service.

3. Copyright

You acknowledge that the information, texts, software, images, videos, graphics, sound and other materials offered on the BABZ online learning platform are protected by copyright, trademark or patent rights and that the copyrights and exploitation rights belong exclusively to the BABZ, BBK or their licensors.

4. Use of Information and Materials

(1) The right of access and use granted to you on the online learning platform is non-transferable and is yours alone. You are entitled to use the materials accessible to you on the BABZ learning platform to the extent offered (e.g. to read, download, print). This right exists exclusively for your personal and non-commercial use.

(2) You agree not to reproduce, use, sell, transfer, publish or otherwise make available the materials for any other purpose. You also may not use the materials in postings to newsgroups, mailing lists, electronic bulletin boards, and the like, unless permission is granted to you in a particular case either by the materials or by their providers.

(3) If you wish to use BABZ materials for purposes other than those listed here, please contact the address listed in the imprint.

5. Location and Amendment of these Terms of Service

(1) The wording of these terms and conditions can be viewed online under the item "Terms of Service" on the login page for the system and as an attachment to the registration form in the process of registering a new account.

(2) The BABZ is entitled to amend any section of these terms and conditions at any time. Amendments will become effective as soon as the BABZ has published them online. By your continued use of the BABZ offer, you agree to the amended terms of service and are bound by the conditions of the amended terms. You may refuse to accept the changes only by terminating your subscription (access with your registration data) and/or your public access to the BABZ learning platform.

6. Modification of Offers

The BABZ may change or suspend parts or certain functions of its offers at any time. Accordingly, the BABZ may at any time restrict the use of and access to the offers on the learning platform as well as the duration and scope of use. However, the BABZ endeavors to keep downtimes as short as possible and to ensure that all functions are available at all times.

7. Registration (Login) and Access Data

(1) By using the BABZ learning platform under these terms of service, you warrant that

  • you will not disclose your identification and password to anyone,
  • your registration data is correct and complete,
  • in case of changes to your data, you will change the respective data in your account without delay.

(2) You acknowledge that

  • you are responsible for every use of and activity on the online learning platform of the BABZ that is carried out with the help of your identification and password,
  • you must ensure that your identification and password are protected against unauthorized use,
  • you are obliged to notify the BABZ immediately if you notice or suspect any misuse of your access data.

8. End of the Learning Platform Usage Authorization

(1) The BABZ may suspend access to the learning platform content in part or in full or terminate your authorization to use the learning platform (access with access ID and password) if the learning platform content under your ID and password is used, either by you or by a third party, in a way that the BABZ considers to be a violation of these terms of service or that may otherwise result in a disadvantage for the BABZ.

(2) After 36 months of inactivity, user accounts will be flagged for deletion. Those affected will be informed by email of the impending deletion and have 14 days to reactivate the account. If this is not done, the user account will be deleted.

9. Warranty and Product Liability

(1) The contents of the BABZ online learning platform are offered subject to availability. No warranty is given for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided or for the faultlessness of the hardware and software used for the presentation of the learning platform offer. No liability is assumed for the content of courses, tests, learning modules and other elements of the learning platform. This also applies to damages resulting from unauthorized or improper use of the access data and the learning platform.

(2) You expressly agree that the use of the online learning platform as well as its content is at your own risk. The BABZ does not guarantee that the program functions meet the requirements of the users or that they correspond with their notions. Neither the provider nor the manufacturers or developers are liable for any damages arising from the use of the learning platform or its content.